
Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting services offered IN HENDERSON, NV

Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting services offered in Henderson, NV

If you’re tired of bulging fat pockets and desire a leaner look and flawless body contours, see the experts at BP Royal Medspa in Henderson, Nevada. Experienced registered nurse Barbara Rodriguez, RN-BSN, and the skilled team provide innovative body sculpting technology that improves your figure by destroying fat cells. Schedule an evaluation at BP Royal Medspa by calling the office or using the online booking feature today.

Body Sculpting Q&A

What is body sculpting?

Body sculpting at BP Royal Medspa uses cutting-edge technologies and treatments to eliminate excess fat cells. The practice provides an array of non-surgical body contouring options that can match your needs and aesthetic goals. The medical specialists are highly skilled and ensure outstanding results. 

BP Royal Medspa also offers post-surgical massage to optimize healing after surgery. The practice offers this service to safely reduce the risk of hematomas, seromas, fibrosis, and post-operative complications. 

What are the benefits of body sculpting?

The advantages of body sculpting at BP Royal Medspa include:

  • Leaner body contours
  • Fewer stubborn fat cells
  • Younger-looking appearance
  • Improved muscle sculpting
  • More self-confidence
  • Better quality of life

Body sculpting technology doesn’t require any surgery, downtime, spending hours in the gym, or a need for restrictive dieting.

Is body sculpting right for me?

The BP Royal Medspa experts discuss your medical history and cosmetic goals to determine if you're a candidate for body sculpting. They examine areas of your body containing stubborn fat pockets. For best results, you should be near or at an ideal body weight.

Which body sculpting treatments are available?

Body sculpting treatments available at BP Royal Medspa include:

Radiofrequency body contouring

Radiofrequency body contouring uses painless radio waves to heat the dermis of your skin, promoting skin tightening and collagen regeneration. 

Vacuum RF

3D radiofrequency energy penetrates into targeted areas to boost blood flow, shrink fat cell volume, and stimulate lymphatic drainage.

Laser liposuction

Laser liposuction, or laser lipo, releases low-level energy that breaks down and releases excess fat cells, increases metabolism, and optimizes fat burning. 

Cold hammer therapy

Cold hammer therapy uses cold temperatures to stimulate new cell growth, repair skin, and lock in moisture.

Microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent therapy, or photon therapy, uses natural light to activate photoreceptors in treated skin cells and optimize skin revitalization. 

Wood therapy

Wood therapy uses wooden instruments to redefine body contours, optimize weight loss, and diminish cellulite. It also enhances your body’s contours and proportions. 

Lymphatic massage

Lymphatic massage uses gentle tissue manipulation to encourage lymph fluid movement, allowing your body to reduce toxins, waste, edema, and inflammation. 

Ultrasonic cavitation

Ultrasonic cavitation uses ultrasonic waves to reach deep fat layers, breaking down targeted fat cells and eliminating them through your lymphatic system.


Fotona’s TightSculpting® is an advanced, dual-wavelength, non-invasive laser treatment for skin tightening and sculpting in all areas of the body. 

Schedule an evaluation at BP Royal Medspa by phone or request one online today to learn more about body sculpting and determine if it’s right for you.